Y4W Assessments APP
Intelligent adaptive test
yAssess is an adaptive test, unlike the fixed tests available in the market. Adaptive tests are more insightful than the fixed tests and it portrays a better picture of the assessed candidates than the latter. An adaptive test, the performance of each candidate is independent of the performance of others. Adaptive tests negate any chance of probability of one candidate answering either difficult or easy questions. The difficulty level of subsequent question is decided by a candidate’s result in the preceding question. To illustrate, if a candidate answers a particular question correctly, the next question’s difficulty level will be slightly more than the one answered. The difficulty level of a question depends on the number of epoch the question has been answered correctly within a short time interval. More correct answers in lesser time, easier the difficulty level of the question, and vice versa.
In layman’s term proctoring means invigilation. The aim of proctoring is to ensure the integrity of test scores attained by the candidates. Some essential proctoring features of online proctoring are:
Video proctoring: y Assess is laced with a feature that takes captures image of the assessment taker, randomly at intermittent times via a webcam to monitor any spurious activity during the assessment.
Audio Monitoring: Similarly, yAssess also records sound clips during the assessment period to keep a vigil.
Navigation Control: y Assess has an embedded tool that prohibits candidates from navigating away from the test window.
IP Control: y Assess is designed in such a manner that it can be undertaken from a designated IP address only. This feature also helps to tag a test taker’s geographical coordinates.
Secure Questions: This feature ensures that the test taker is not able to copy questions to Google to search for answers.
Veritably, yAssess ensures a test environment that is safe and 100% incorruptible.