Xtrack APP
Before buying X Track VTS Device, you can use this app as a ‘demo’ user and see the unique, and user-friendly features of X Track. For Demo use, complete the following steps.
1. Go to https://www.xfinitytechnologies.com/free-demo/ and get the Demo User ID and Password.
2. Download this app
3. Log in to this app using the user ID and Password.
X Track Solutions and Benefits:
1. Real time vehicle tracking.
2. Stolen car recovery is easier with X track.
3. Travel route and history monitoring in clear and accurate map.
4. X Track provides well read and understandable reports, accurate locations and vehicle start-stop time.
5. This app allows the fleet managers to manage their fleets more efficiently and cost effectively.
6. This app works non-stop 24x7.
7. This app detects whether your car is in your preferred area or not.
8. X Track deliberately notify you when your vehicle reaches the destination.
9. GPS satellite base communication and tracking optimize your time and money.
10. Fuel Consumption Report – Calculated based on satellite data
11. Every report will be shown in both in Bar and Line graph and table view.
12. X Track Alarm, Notification and Warning will let you take proper action about your vehicle.
13. You can communicate with the X Track device installed in your vehicle through both the app and SMS
14. X Track allows you to monitor any individual, group of vehicles or the entire fleet with one app.
15. Online payment option is integrated in this app.
Core Features:
• Live Tracking
• Engine Lock & Unlock
• Engine On & Off Alert
• Basic Reports
• Travel History
• Geo Fencing
• Device Removal Alert
• Speed Violation Alert
• Destination Alert
• AC On & Off Notification
• Fuel Monitoring System
• Extended Daily Report
• 24 Months Warranty
• 24×7 Helpline Facility
X Track gives you freedom from tension and keeps your vehicle under its protection all day all night. For any kind of query or suggestion, just let us know. Email us at info@xfinititechnologies.com