Wunder Carpool APP
This is a commercially-distributed carpooling app that is available only to members of organizations that Wunder is partnering with. If your organization has not communicated a partnership with Wunder to you, it is likely that you will not be able to use the service at this time.
Wunder is an environmentally-conscious app that helps you carpool with work colleagues who have a similar daily commute to yours. Whether you have some empty seats in your car or you want to find someone who has, Wunder is the perfect corporate carpooling solution for you.
If your company’s parking facilities are limited and you’d like to make them available to more people, Wunder’s parking integration can help. Parking spots can be used as rewards for carpooling and, this way, the existing facilities can serve many more people without additional infrastructure costs.
Wunder’s app for carpooling allows you to quickly discover co-workers who are either sharing empty seats in their car or looking for a ride and are traveling in the same direction as you. It helps you build your own network of people to share rides with every day.
Offer or request rides from colleagues and use the built-in chat feature to stay in touch with them and figure out details like pick-up and drop-off locations. Don’t forget to always give your carpoolers a heads-up in case you have to cancel or are running late.
Time to ride! Be on your agreed pick-up spot on time and have a great trip together with your fellow carpoolers. You can relax by knowing that Wunder reminds you of any upcoming carpools and provides built-in notifications for all situations, so that you never miss a ride.
Think Wunder’s carpooling solution is the perfect fit for your organization? You can reach us via carpool@wundermobility.com