WST Verkeer APP
In addition to the current traffic you find in the app an overview of the planned activities of the current rates for the Westerschelde tunnel and the toll-free days. Moreover, you can consult a selection of frequently asked questions and report any problems like junk on the road. An important part of the app are the safety instructions. What do you do for instance if you get stuck in a tunnel? With this app you have that information on hand.
To have the most current information is a (mobile) internet connection is required via this app. Without this connection, data can not be retrieved and no accurate information can be displayed via the app.
In the app, it is possible to subscribe to device notifications. By default you get notifications on weekdays for two tunnel tubes of the Westerschelde between 7:00 and 18:00. The notification timing can be adjusted in the settings screen. You are also standard subscribed to notifications for the Sluiskil tunnel. This can be set in the settings screen.