The products that you can find on WorthIT are:
Computers (CPU)
Work Stations
Install WorthIT app for unique benefits
Simply download the WorthIT Android shopping app on your device (phone or tablet) and create an account for yourself. Now, you will be taken to the Home screen where you will find links to all the category products, along with amazing offers, deals and discounts under the Crazy Deals' and 'Featured Deals'.
1. Easily type in the product you are looking for in the ‘Search’ tab and find it instantly
2. Narrow down your search using filters like price, color and brand to find your desired product
3. Check ratings and reviews given by other customers along with price and description of the product while buying the product
4. You can also add products to your wish list with a single tap
5. To place the order, choose among easy payment options like debit card, credit card, net banking or other wallet options displayed in the payment gateway page
Apart from basic permissions, the WorthIT shopping app doesn’t need any access to other functions on your device
You can contact our customer support for any product or delivery related issues. Download WorthIT app now and start shopping!