Interactive worksheets

Latest Version

Oct 15, 2024

App APKs

Worksheet Go APP

Worksheet Go! is the interactive complement to Worksheet Crafter. Bring your self-made worksheets to Android tablets so that your students can solve them interactively. This way, your students will really have fun practicing! And the best thing is: you can adapt Worksheet Go! very flexibly to the possibilities of your students. For example, physical limitations and learning strengths or weaknesses.

Learning apps where everything is ready-made don't cater to the individual needs of your students. With Worksheet Go!, on the other hand, you can easily differentiate and adapt the app specifically to your students - both in elementary school and in special school.

Differentiated does not mean complicated! The worksheets are created as usual with the Worksheet Crafter: With just a few clicks you can create your own differentiated worksheets for primary and special schools on the computer. Don't have a Worksheet Crafter yet? Then take a look at! Are you already using the Worksheet Crafter and have at least version 2016.3? Then get the app and send your worksheets to your Android tablet!

Worksheet Go! is currently free! To create a worksheet you need the Worksheet Crafter, but there are currently no costs for the app.

★ Task formats especially for elementary school and special needs school
★ Bring your own worksheets to the Android tablet (you need at least Worksheet Crafter version 2016.3)
★ Let your students interactively solve your self-made worksheets
★ Differentiate as you like
★ Customize the app for your students with visual assistance features and more
★ Distribute the worksheets to other student tablets with the Bluetooth sharing function, without an internet connection

★ Wall of numbers
★ Number house
★ Magic Square
★ Arrow picture
★ Operator panel
★ Written calculation methods
★ Arithmetic packet
★ Number line
★ String of numbers
★ Calculator wheel
★ Ten field & Twenty field
★ Hundreds board
★ Malifant
★ Calculation triangle
★ variable solution field for assignment tasks
★ Speech box

★ Optical assistance
★ Help via Narrator
★ View solutions one by one
★ Sort solutions
★ Show only valid solutions
★ Freely adjustable number of attempts to solve the problem
★ Call teacher

Worksheet Go! is the next level of learning apps for primary and special schools: Differentiable and tailor-made for each of your students. Just try it out: Install the app and load your worksheet from the Worksheet Crafter onto your Android tablet.

More about Worksheet Go! at:

The terms and conditions for Worksheet Go! can be found here:

And here is the privacy policy:
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