Work Manager APP
💚💚💚💚💚 Work Request 💚💚💚💚💚
Work Manager App can build any type of work request, it can:
✅ Add key value data.
✅ Add work tags.
✅ Build the constraints for the work.
✅ Enabled or disable expedited work.
✅ Select behavior when running out of quota in accelerated job.
✅ Choose between one time work and periodic work.
✅ Enable or disable flex interval for periodic works.
✅ Choose between normal worker and coroutine worker.
✅ Choose the input merger for key value data in chains of works.
✅ Set the initial delay for work.
✅ Set backoff policy when a work fails.
✅ Crud operation of the requests.
💚💚💚💚💚 Enqueue Works 💚💚💚💚💚
Work Manager App can enqueue any type of works, it can:
✅ Enqueue a list of one time works and periodic works.
✅ Enqueue a unique list of one time works.
✅ Enqueue a unique periodic works.
💚💚💚💚💚 Works Info 💚💚💚💚💚
Work Manager App can observe works by all possible ways, it can:
✅ Observe works by id.
✅ Observe works by tag.
✅ Observe works by unique name.
✅ Observe works by query builder.
I think that the background work in android is maybe the most important behavior, and i love to know about it. I did enjoy a lot billing this app and I did learn a lot of things 💚.