Work Folio APP
Powerful tools used by us helps the employer to hire faster. We streamline your time and efforts.
Right from posting a job till selecting the best fit, the process is hassle free.
All you need to do is,
1. Create an employer account
2. Description and type of company in few words.
3. What are the major services offered.
4. Build your Job Post in detail.
5. Post the Job.
6. Manage the resumes received.
7. Find your best fit candidate.
As an employer, you can even spread your network and requirement by highlighting your job posting. This is one o the features available for the registered employers in Work Folio.
Features Available:
1. Resume Download
2. Buy Job Postings by highlighting
3. Advertising with us
Job Seeker
Work Folio is one of the Indian online employment solutions for job seekers and the employers or free. It helps you to find a right job matching your skill set.
We guide you and update the latest advancements in your desired sector.
All you need to do is,
1. Create an account as a job seeker.
2. Describe your educational qualification, skill set and previous work experience if any.
3. Select your desired sector, industry and location
4. o work.
5. Upload your latest resume.
6. Once the process is done, you will start receiving the job alrets.
Features Available:
1. Career Advice by the top employers.
2. Following the companies latest updates and advancements.
3. Job Alerts and notifications.
4. Skill tests and tips.