Create schedules for work/break periods reducing risk for RSI and other issues.

Latest Version

Aug 24, 2023

App APKs

Work / Break Timer APP

Create schedules for work/rest intervals to reduce the risk of work related health issues such as Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) or back and neck straining.

This also helps increase productivity, as very long work sessions reduce efficiency.

Due to its highly customizable schedules, you can manage your time according to your specific needs whether those are short Pomodoro sessions, traditional work flow or very specific personal schedules.

Some features of 'Work/Break Timer':

-Reminds the user of approaching pauses and their ends via vibrational or auditory alarm.

-Provides a checklist of work related tasks for each saved schedule.

-Remaining time of current interval can be displayed directly as notifications on the lock screen.

-With compatible hardware, reminders can be displayed on smartbands / smartwatches.
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