A clock widget that displays the time in a typographic way.

Latest Version

Aug 10, 2024

App APKs

Word Clock Widget APP

This App provides a widget, that can display the time with words. The widget will highlight the corresponding chars that form the time: "it is twentyfive to ten".

You can change the font size and the colors in the settings (including transparency) - you get an app in the laucher to display these settings.

Currently there are three widget sizes (2x2, 3x3, 4x4), but you may resize the widget using your launcher as well. If you add more than one widget on the homescreen, all will share the same settings )(e.g. colors).

Additionally you can use the word clock as daydream service. You need to select "Word Clock Widget" in your daydream list in the settings app.

NOTICE: this App provides a widget that has to be added to your homescreen. Please refer to your launchers documentation how to add widgets.
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