Word Art APP
Key features of the app are:
> Word Art - Enter text and select font size from given options like large, small, no fill, spacey. You can share the generated text.
> Repeat Text - Enter text and repetition number to generate text for multiple times. Here you can add space and line for the generated text. You can even generate random text by specifying a character length.
> Font Changer - Share different style font text with your friends and family
> Text Art - Share text art given with your friends and family
This App is developed at ASWDC by Bhut Palak (21010101023), 7th-semester CE Student. ASWDC is Apps, Software, and Website Development Center @ Darshan University, Rajkot run by students & staff of Computer Science and Engineering Department.
Call us: +91-97277-47317
Write to us: aswdc@darshan.ac.in
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