Who Spy APP
Knowledge of who has access to your personal information is the best way to keep your privacy.
* Activate the application
* Choose the subject you are worried about, i.e. if you think someone may use your smartphone to spy on your location.
* You will get the list of applications that granted the permissions to access your private data.
* Click on the application name, to see it's icon and all the details you need to decide if you want to keep it.
* You can also stop immediately a running application.
Version 1.3 - update date: 23-FEB-2014:
* Improved screens UI
* We added an option to stop immediate a running application.
Please look at the tutorial video at www.astal.com/mobile
We welcome our user's experience.
Please put your comments (and Like) on our Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Who-Spy/117429971747763
--- WHO SPY by Astal investments & software Ltd. (since 1997) ---