Whispa APP
1. Whispa chat with our doctors
• On any sexual or reproductive health problem or concern
• It stays Private
2. Get a Sexual health product or service:
• A contraceptive (to confidently prevent pregnancy)
• Home or laboratory Tests (for STDs, pregnancy, ovulation) and more
3. Book an appointment:
• At a nearby hospital for a contraceptive
• or whenever you need a doctor to take a look down there
There Is also the option to simply browse our edutaining blog to grab quality information that will make you sex-smart
How To Get A Contraceptive (Pregnancy Prevention Method) On WHISPA
1. Answer a few questions
Just take a quick contraceptive assessment and you’ll get a recommendation whether or not that contraceptive is good for you. (Please note that our Whispa doctors may need to review your assessment and will do so by chatting with you and may recommend a different contraceptive for you).
2. Choose delivery or appointment
Depending on your contraceptive method, you can have it delivered to your home, school or office or you can book an appointment to have it administered at a nearby hospital.
3. Pay for your product or service and we will contact you immediately to confirm your order or appointment.