Find nearby places around you just on a single tap.

Latest Version

Nov 2, 2018
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WhatsAround APP

WhatsAround is a navigation service that lets you locate all the places near you and helps your way around in unfamiliar places. How many times you had the need to find the nearby ATM or a restaurant around your location, or a gas station on a road trip in the middle of nowhere. WhatsAround is a great assistant for you and it will provide with all the available places around you in no time along with their details.

Some Key Features:

• Simple, interactive and easy to use interfaces.
• Different place categories like Food, Shopping, Travel etc.
• Multiple place types in each category.
• Find all the places around you according to selected place type.
• Places are shown in both list and map views.
• Find the details of each place with name, address and distance etc.
• Get directions on Google Maps.
• Search places based on place types.
• Mark any place as your Favorite.
• Change the distance of places from Settings.

and many more.
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