Wemotion IT APP
• Information on products, commercial actions and services (both B2C and B2B)
• Best practices and insights on specific topics (electricity, diesel ...)
• Special notices sent by the Brand to be displayed as soon as possible
• The most useful files for your daily work (for now PDA and Price lists of the month): through the 'Documents' -> 'Consult and download' section, you can download them and add them to the 'my documents' section in order to always have them within reach of "reading".
• Forum: you can interact with your colleagues as you have always done online, discussing content or making useful reports to the community.
To access the app, simply use the STELLANTIS ID and the relative password you use to access the WeMotion Community, then click on LOGIN WITH STELLANTIS ID. For a limited period of time, you can still continue to access the app even using your "old" credentials: on the login screen, click directly on the SIGN IN WITH WEMOTION CREDENTIALS button and enter your username and password on the next screen. If you have difficulty logging in, you can always contact the Staff by email at staff@we-motion.it.
In the new version you will not only be able to receive notifications on the most important contents published on the Community. But you can also consult and download the files necessary for your work (such as PDA and Price List of the month) as well as use the Forum wherever you are.
On the navigation bar, at the top you will find the 'Notifications' icon (bell): in this space only notifications relating to articles published on WeMotion appear depending on the topics you have chosen. You can choose the contents you want to be notified of in the same section by clicking the 'Settings' icon.
On the navigation bar at the bottom of the screen you will find the following icons:
1. Home icon
The main page, where you can find the most important news of the day and below all the features of the app.
2. Documents icon
In this section, by clicking on 'View and download', you can download and add to the 'my documents' section the files that are most useful for your daily work (for now PDA and Price Lists of the month) in order to always have them within easy reach. ".
3. Forum icon
In this section, you can interact with your colleagues as you have always done online, discussing content or making useful reports to the community.
4. Profile icon
Here is a summary of your personal data, as you entered them on WeMotion. Please, remember to complete it with a nice photo!
For any need or information relating to the WeMotion app, do not hesitate to contact us by sending an e-mail to staff@we-motion.it