Wellnest 12L APP
Wellnest Pro has been designed and developed by experts, taking into consideration the standard workflow of medical organizations and professionals and with the goal to optimize the entire ECG taking process for technicians, doctors, and patients.
*Exceptional Data Privacy & Security: Information(PII) is stored and transmitted over encrypted channels
*Easy Organization Onboarding: Single signup form allows organizations to onboard multiple users quickly. No individual sign-ups required!
*Well Outlined Workflow: Defined user networks and functionalities enable seamless ECG capturing and reporting mechanisms
*Access Patient's Medical History: Doctors can view a patient’s relevant history at a glance which allows for an efficient reporting process
*24x7 Doctor Support: Share your ECG data with Wellnest’s expert doctor team on the App, available round-the-clock
*Automatic Report Generation: ECG shareable report generated with suggested action and organization's branding
Future of Healthcare is here!