WellData™ MobileRT APP
MobileRT allows access to information for active and historical wells connected to WellData. This is the type of real-time data that all stakeholders to the well construction process (such as drilling superintendents, drilling engineers, geologists, RTOCs) need to conduct safe, efficient operations. This data gives a true understanding of what is happening within the complete drilling and rig operations process, as it happens. Utilizing data from NOV’s RigSense™ electronic drilling recorder (EDR) system or Connect data aggregator servers along with the WellData remote well communication information system, users can view drilling information in real time from a web browser anywhere in the world.
Some of the key benefits of MobileRT include:
• ISO27001 security process and SSL-encrypted data transmission
• 1-second data streamed to your mobile device with less than a second lag between rigsite and mobile device (excluding satellite latency)
• Customizable charting and EzView screens with many options including units, scaling, etc.
• Time and depth views for active and historical wells
• The ability to trace lagged channels such as gamma ray, methane GW, propane GW, total gas GW, total gas normalized, WSGD propane, and WSGD total gas
• Ability to view Toursheets, Morning Reports, and Rig Direction Reports
• Summary of driller’s notes along with ability to add notes to the rigsite charts directly from your mobile device
• Chat messaging system between any RigSense station at the rigsite and other WellData RT and MobileRT users
• Customizable home screen with favorite wells
• Create custom view profiles shared across all wells to quickly configure charts for various rig operations like drilling, sliding, tripping, etc.
• Well location mapping
• Light and dark themes
• Active internet connection such as WiFi or data plan
• RigSense instrumentation or Connect data aggregator
• Valid WellData user credentials
If you experience any difficulties installing or using MobileRT, please contact the Help Desk at WellDataSupport@nov.com or 1-855-935-5328.