WebApp APP
WebApp is ultimate solution built on Native Android Kotlin to fit your website or web application into an Android App.This app supports any kind of web apps including HTML, PHP, Wordpress, Joomla, Magento, Wix, HTML5 games ...with customization options and features so that you organize app at your own style.
We have included “Firebase push notification” console. Admin can push simple message, or web link with big promotional image.
* Ready to Launch with Simple Configuration.
* Google Material Design.
* Customized Navigation Drawer.
* Multi Functional Push Notification.
* Load Offline HTML Page.
* Page loading progress status.
* File Upload & Download support.
* In app update.
* Admob & Facebook Ad
* Share link to social media
* Firebase & OneSignal Notification
* Deeplinking to app
* Doc, PDF, Excel file download support
* RTL Language Support.
* Multi Language support.
* Well Documentation & More …