A light, fast, safe and private browser

Latest Version

Feb 27, 2024
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Web Browser Midori APP

Midori is a light, fast and safe web browser that protects the privacy and anonymity of our users, so browsing is 100% private.

Private Searches
Other search engines track and observe everything you search for and do, they profile what you like, they sell your information to advertising companies, in other search engines you are the product, not in AstianGO, in AstianGO you are not the product, we work for You and you are our priority, your privacy, your security and delivering the best services is our mission.

Block Ads
With Midori you will be able to block advertisements and trackers with this you will have a faster browsing and with more protection in your data.

Free Software & Open Source
Midori is a free and open browser in its entirety, you can freely audit, report and contribute and be a participant in the development.

Midori provides private browsing by implementing privacy features, HTTPS, proxy support, cookie blocking, blocking malicious sites & much more.

We are all different, so at Midori we offer you customization options, change the position of the navigation bar, change the colors, change the icons, everything to adapt it to your liking.

We know you want to get the most out of your device, Midori is extremely light so you can get the most out of it.
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