Weather forecast: hourly, daily and weekly weather

Latest Version

Feb 18, 2021

App APKs

Weather forecast APP

The Weather forecast is a completely free live weather application that provides a lot of essential information about local weather conditions and or anywhere in the world such as temperature, wind speed, humidity, precipitation, pressure, UV index, probability of rain, wind direction, etc.
Besides, this app also has the ability to update quite accurately the daily weather every hour, day and for the next 7 days forecast, sunrise time, sunset.
In particular, the weather report offers a wide selection of styles and sizes of widget for the home screen and receives notifications in the status bar.
Characteristics and features of live weather forecast:
- Intuitive interface for easy tracking.
- Updated weather by hour
- Provide detailed information every hour about a lot of necessary meteorological conditions such as temperature, humidity, precipitation, probability of rain, wind direction, humidity, wind speed, dew point, cloud cover, UV index, pressure.
- The highest temperature, the lowest of the day
- The hour of sunrise and sunset.
- See the moon calendar
- Useful real time weather radar
- View local weather report or anywhere in the world
- Daily weather, weekly weather
- Weather forecast and update is quite accurate for 7 days forecast
- Manage the searched locations
- Dark background view
- Optional C or F degree
- Install diverse weather units
- Enable or disable weather notification
- Notification via status bar
- Widely diverse widgets in size, opacity
- Multi-language support.
Live weather forecast provides almost all the most important information about the real time weather, you will definitely find it useful. All local weather report developments will be updated hourly, daily and weekly weather to help you calculate the work and plan well.
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