Accurate high-detailed weather forecasts and satellite retrieved precipitation

Latest Version

Sep 28, 2018
Google Play ID

App APKs

Weather Forecast WMApp APP

WMApp provides
+ accurate and high-detailed 5-6 day weather forecasts for Asia and Europe
+ high detailed weather forecasts for each administrative division of SE Asia and European countries
+ near real-time global precipitation retrievals using observations from passive millimeter-wave satellites and geostationary passive infrared satellites
+ global earthquake reports

“WMApp” uses your internet connection.
We'd like to thank everyone, who is interested in WMApp. Below are some important points we'd like to inform users.

1) WMApp is significantly different from other applications in this field since all information illustrated in WMApp, except earthquake reports, is produced using models and algorithms that have long been developed by the founder of WMApp, Dr. Chinnawat Surussavadee, and his co-author. The models and algorithms have been published in several papers in internationally high-standard research journals listed in the first or second quartile of ISI database. Hence, their correctness is approved.

2) WMApp is the work of the Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Earth System Science and Andaman Natural Disaster Management (ESSAND), Prince of Songkla University (PSU), Phuket Campus, Thailand. ESSAND develops WMApp for the benefit of the public. More information about ESSAND can be found at

3) The use of WMApp is free.

4) The use of WMApp is easy. A 6-minute video showing how to install and use WMApp can be viewed at
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