Weather Forecast & Radar Maps APP
⭐️ Weather channel has a lot of features:
🌂Various weather information: temperature, wind, humidity, dew point, pressure, sunrise, sunset
🌈All free. Hourly or daily. We provide 25 days of information: today's weather, tomorrow's weather... and weather for 72 hours.
🌦️ Detailed weather news: provide all information of weather: weather temperature, Rainfall change, wind speed and direction, hourly weather temperature.. in your location.
⭐️ Extended features : additional climate characteristics include humidity, UV index, dark sky , wind strength, visibility.
⛅Temperature control : hourly weather live app allows you to track temperature changes throughout the day and week in weather radar widget.
⭐️ Notifications : information about the current weather will be displayed in the status bar.
☔️Weekly statistics : the detailed weather app displays the weather for 5 days.
⭐️ Multilingual - this application is available in many languages. You can change the language in the weather live settings.
⛅Temperature: switch between Celsius and Fahrenheit
🌙Sunset and Sunrise times.
☔️Weather widgets and continuous notification, multiple locations on widget.
🏆 Chart graphs for hourly weather forecast and daily weather forecast
There are many information in weather forecasts which includes atmospheric pressure,
weather condition, relative humidity, visibility distance, precipitation in different unites, dew point,
wind speed and direction, hourly weather forecast, also in addition to ten days future forecast.
Real-Time temperature, humidity, pressure, wind force and wind direction are all in this weather app based.
Use weather forecast, you will see weather information update hourly and accurately.
Important note:
- Information We Use In Our Service But Never Collect:
In some of our service, we may need to access those data or features to provide functions, but we never collect or store that information.
GPS Location
so that we us these permissions: "android.permission.ACCESS_BACKGROUND_LOCATION"
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