Watermark Plus APP
Watermark multiple images at once and save it as an album.
Watermark plus has some cool features with a decent user experience. It has the ability to watermark Single as well as multiple images.
App Features in this version
- Select images from gallery.
- Take pictures from camera.
- Social Media Sharing i.e facebook, Whatsapp. Instagram
- Fonts, color and other effects in text mode.
- Reuse Watermarks and signatures when eve you want.
- You can Add a Free text, Logo or a Signature into your pictures.
- It has the ability to process multiple images, A same watermark will be applied to all images added in the album. You can position the watermark on every picture where ever you want and hit the save button.
- My Gallery option lets you view, share or delete all of your watermarked pictures.
- My Signatures option lets you view, delete all your saved signatures.
- My Watermarks option lets you view, delete all your saved watermarks.
- Watermark Reuse.
- Signature Reuse.
- Share a single picture or the whole album to a social media platform i.e WhatsApp, Facebook, twitter etc.
Much more coming soon in the upcoming versions.