Wallpaper Store APP
Football wallpaper, Entertainment wallpaper (Showbiz Actor, Actress, TV shows, movie) wallpapers, City wallpapers and much more.
Enjoy the ever-growing collections of handpicked HD, 4K wallpapers that best suit your phone, and your mood. Helps you to feel refreshed every time you see your phone. You can set your wallpaper either for the Home screen, Lock Screen or both based on what your device supports.
Now you can also share wallpaper with your friends and family through WhatsApp, email or other supported applications. And downloading the wallpaper is also possible with Wallpaper Store.
We are constantly working to improve the Wallpaper Store and add more features to it moving forward to make it the best free wallpaper app available on Play store. Thanks for your support
We love to listen to you so feel free to contact us at itsamanpathak@gmail.com with any kind of suggestions, feedback or anything that you wish to share with us.