Vyavasaya Vathavaranam APP
This APP is designed and developed by AICRP on Agrometeorology, ARS, Ananthapuramu, Acharya NG Ranga Agricultural University for faster dissemination of weather forecast and agromet advisories to the farmers of Andhra Pradesh. The information provided in this application is useful to the farmers of Andhra Pradesh in timely planning of various operations in agricultural, horticultural crops and animal husbandry. The information is available in Telugu and English languages.
Offered by Dr SN Malleswari Sadhineni and Dr G Narayaswamy
The APP contains information on
Todays weather: The meteorological data recorded at representative Agricultural Research Stations of ANGRAU in all the 13 districts of Andhra Pradesh during the past 24 hours at 8.30 am of the date mentioned on the screen.
Weather Forecast: This contains the 5 day district level value added forecast of India Meteorological Department, provided to Agromet Field Units (AMFUs) of ANGRAU. The forecast is updated on every Tuesday and Friday.
Agrometeorological Advisories: Agromet advisories for the all the districts of Andhra Pradesh provided by Agromet Field Units (AMFUs) of Gramin Krishi Mausam Sewa (GKMS) project, ANGRAU are included here.
Alerts: Alerts on extreme weather events, nowcast and short range forecast of IMD are updated in this as and when necessary.
Archieves: This contains the observed meteorological data of representative Agricultural Research Stations of ANGRAU in all the 13 districts of Andhra Pradesh for the last 120 days.
Ask Question: The registered users can ask queries related to weather forecast and agromet advisories utiliaing this option. All the users can see the answers provided by the concerned scientists for the latest queries.
The application is linked to the official website of AICRP on Agrometeorology, ANGRAU-ARS, Ananthapuramu www.aicrpamatp.in for updating of relevant information.