VVS is a valet application that can micro-manage your valet experience.

Latest Version

Sep 8, 2021
Google Play ID

App APKs

VVS Mobile APP

VVS is a valet application that attendants can use to process tickets, record customer info, and generate key valet reports and analytics. A solution developed with real-world valet problems in mind; VVS is designed to minimize issues many valet operators face daily by providing features such as:

-Customer SMS requests
-Vehicle photos to track damages
-Valet-to-valet communication
-Valet data metrics
-Automated reports and audits
-Scalable multi-property management tools
-Admin dashboard for managers and corporate users

Our goal is to provide a full-scale valet solution with minimal cost and setup. We aim to do this by providing a lightweight tool that operates solely in the cloud, meaning no extra hardware and setup fees. We currently support large scale properties (hotels, malls, etc.) and smaller-scale properties like restaurants and event parking.

Core Features:

-Park vehicles
-Pull vehicles
-Request Vehicle
-Guest Departure

Other Features:

-Valet Chat
-Scanning (Driver’s License, Vehicle VIN, Ticket Barcodes)
-Push Notifications
-Activity Log
-Ticket Search

Want to know if VVS is the right choice for your valet operation? Please visit our website for more information and steps on how you can get full-access today!
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