Vternal Vault APP
UNLIMITED: 60%-80% of the World’s digital storage goes UNUSED. Vternal fixes that.
SECURE: Files are SPLIT apart, ENCRYPTED, backups are made, and fragments DISTRIBUTED across our decentralized network of storage devices.
RELIABLE: With multiple backups for each fragment, as storage locations go offline, Vternal’s internal intelligence re-creates and redistributes fragments to new locations. Thus ensuring each files’ LONGEVITY and PERSISTENCE.
PRIVATE: No backdoors or prying eyes. Use Vault as you would a SAFE or deposit box. Save your digital assets to folders in your Vault.
GREEN: We don’t use energy-wasting Data Centers. We REUSE and RECYCLE existing resources and storage.
AVAILABLE: Your most important files can ALWAYS be ACCESSED from all your phones and other devices.
EASY: Our Application Extension allows you to UPLOAD FILES from many apps (e.g. Email Attachments) to your Vault.
SHAREABLE: For can also share specific folders to friends. Either share within the Vault app, or share a clickable link. Create, share, and collaborate.