VoucherClub APP
- Wide range product from Singapore Malaysia Indonesia Hong Kong and China
- Enable Top-Up anywhere and 24/7
- Easy payment with local currency
- Single transaction report to monitor purchase
- Secure with verification on registration and making payments
Below are the list of products and payments provided :
Singapore :
Prepaid Top-up : Singtel, StarHub, M1
Malaysia :
Prepaid Top-up : Maxis, Celcom, Digi, Tunetalk, Umobile, Altel, Friendi, Telelink
Voucher PIN : XoX, Merchant Trade, iTalk, Yes, Clixster, OKTel, Packet One, Redtone
Bill Payment : Astro , Celcom Postpaid, TM
Indonesia :
Prepaid Top-up : Telkomsel, Indosat, XL, Axis, Three, Esia, Smart
Voucher PIN : PLN
Hong Kong :
Prepaid Top-up : Rekanan, Sahabat
China :
Prepaid Top-up : China Unicom, China Mobile