Volfield GAME
An Android takes on the classic Volfied and Qix games.
Volfield inspired by "Volfied", "Qix" ( "Quix" ) and "Gals Panic".
Avoid the enemies and claim at least 80% of the field to pass the level.
Enter the list of the top scores of 24 Hours, 7 Days and All Times!
Enjoy some FREE retro nostalgia with Volfield!
There are two game mode they are Arcade Mode and Level Mode with 36 Levels!
You can set each level background image what do you want!
Bonus Boxes (1000 Point, Shield Time, Freeze Enemies, Dead All Small Enemies, Ship)
Penalty Boxes (-1000 Point, Reduce Shield Time, Dead Ship!)
More Leaderboards! (Country Flag, 24 Hours, 7 Days, All Times..)
Each different enemy in different levels!