Voice Assistant APP
by saying Matching keywords.
*New-now you can say the word "Listen" and then perform the following examples:
Call - "Call, Mom"
Text message - "Text , My best friend" [record your message on next record]
WhatsApp - "WhatsApp , David [record your message on next record]"
Youtube - "Youtube , Eurovision Songs"
Spotify - "Spotify , Eurovision Songs"
Search - "Search , best movies of the year"
Open an app - "Open , calculator".
Mute - [phone on vibrate mode. Media,notifications,system are silent]
Ring- [phone on ring mode. Media,notifications,system are at the highest volume]
*If you want to make a name of an app shorter, you can record a new name for it
and open the exact app with the new name you gave it !
In future releases new oeprations will be available!