Vocaby APP
- Manage the list of words in any foreign language you are studying.
- Add multiple translations for a word.
- Add text notes for a word (e.g. word usage example, transcription or simply a comment).
- View the whole list of your words, search through it and expand word details on the fly.
- Group words into lists for learning (the same word can belong to many lists ).
- Learn a list: go through the list of words in a random order and check yourself. Here you can switch between two modes: word-translation (see a word and recall a translation) or translation-word (see a translation and recall a word).
- View short statistics on each list (how many times and the last time you learned it).
- Search words, translations and lists.
- Sort words and lists (alphabetically or by date).
- Export/Import your vocabulary.
- Pick one of two color themes for your app.