Vocabulary Size Test APP
For ease of use and display, the test has been divided into 2 sets, SET 1 and SET 2. Each set offers 7 quick MCQ test. Unlike the online versions of the test, test-takers are allowed to take it at as many sittings as they wish, with no time constraints. Their progress is saved once they start a test, and the final test score is also saved to calculate their final vocabulary size. Too, test-takers are given immediate feedback for their answers.
This app comes with these activities.
The Main Activity: it offers buttons which you can tap to move around the app.
The Set 1 Activity: it offers the first 7 K tests, numbered K1, K2, K3, ... K7. Each K test consists of 10 items. Once you take the test, your score and the percentage is displayed next to the K button.Once you take the 7 tests, the total score and the percentage for the set is displayed at the bottom.Once you finish SET 1 tests, click the NEXT button to go to SET 2 Activity.
The Set 2 Activity: it offers the second 7 K tests, numbered K8, K9, K10, ... K14. Each K test consists of 10 items. Once you take the test, your score and the percentage is displayed next to the K button.Once you finish SET 2 tests, click the NEXT button to go to the Result Activity.
The Result Activity: this shows your score for set 1, set 2, and your vocabulary size, i.e how many words of the 14,000 most frequent word families of English you know.