FREE application for audiovisual professionals. Complete calculator for LED panels.
Find out in a few seconds what your panel resolution is, which sending cards you can use in your project, what its aspect ratio is, how many pixels it has, and even the inch equivalence of your screen!
You can also get the individual resolution of each case by entering only the dot pitch and dimensions (in millimeters).
To access the features just navigate the lower menu on the App screen!
First screen: home, news.
Second screen: pixel calculator per cabinet, enter width x height (physical, in mm) and dot pitch to find the resolution.
Third screen: Panel calculator, here entering the cabinet resolution and the project width x height project you get the most relevant information for your project.
Fourth screen: contact information, we have very high quality products. Panels for indoor / outdoor installations and special projects. Our team is ready to serve you.
Smartphone and tablet compatible
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