Visionclean Control APP
Visionclean: Digital tools to improve cleaning services
Visionclean is a guideline to manage critical control points and trigger continuous improvemet process. The gathering of data is generated according to DIN EN 13549 with 3D pictures of roomtypes and components with tablets (Android or IOS), it takes approx.. 2 Minutes. With Visionclean staff on the operational level can participate in quality managent by taking over self responsibility. All actions are documented in real time and problems can be solved immediately. Visionclean is a contribution of appreciation for good performance of staff in quality and efficiency.
The evaluation of components in roomtypes can be made in online or offline-mode. Results are shown in 2 or 3 colors (green, yellow, red or green red). 2 Quality-levels can be set i.e. 85% und 75%. Specific comments and fotos can be added. Need of repair or other messages can be automatically sent to email recepients.
All evaluations will be - according to quality level - with date and time, on a color coded review list. Every single evaluation can be shown, printed or sent (pdf). The picture remains on this review list as long as problems are solved. The number of evaluations per roomtype will be recorded with date and time.
Welcome to Visionclean!