Viewcy APP
The Viewcy App plays videos from our catalog, organized by country / genre. New music gets uploaded every week.
Viewcy’s catalog is artist-curated. Artists submit proposals to curate collaborative music releases called Sessions. The music is then available exclusively on Viewcy’s website and the Viewcy Radio App after the release. Once an artist has performed, they can become a curator as well. This artist-to-artist curation system started in India has expanded to Niger, Ghana, Morocco, and the US, with many other countries coming up soon!
The Universal Creator Income Fund (UCIF)
The UCIF is how the Viewcy ecosystem pays for Sessions. 90% of Viewcy memberships, 67% of Viewcy ticketing and streaming revenue, and 33% of the income from music releases all contribute to the fund. As we create more music, we generate funding to then create more music. It’s an ecosystem sustained by our collective love of music.