ViDE-Vision Digital Experience APP
With a wide range of features personalized for you and a growing community, you will never regrate joining millions of users on this digital journey. You can now engage with people you know while watching live TV or listening to your favorite Radio station.
ViDE KeepApp
With a team dedicated to this journey, we are always thinking outside the box to bring you even a much better experience every other day!.
■ News - Vision Group works with professional journalists to bring you accurate and truthful news as things happen in every corner of the world, we are dedicated to keeping you informed.
■ Live TV & Radio - Watch your favorite TV live or listen to your favorite radio station for free.
■ Citizen Journalism - Share anything as it happens in your community, post videos, photos or articles, react and engage with authors, follow people to get updates on what they post.
■ AR - For Ugandan users, scan the New Vision or Bukedde newspapers and watch videos of how the events in the news unfolded. Get yourself a copy of New Vision or Bukedde newspapers today!
■ Airtime & Data - Buy MTN or Airtel airtime and data for anyone in Uganda from anywhere in the world using the platform.
■ V.O.D & Podcasts - Watch Videos on Demand or listen to your favorite podcasts to keep you entertained while going about with your daily work.
■ Safe browsing - With our safe browsing feature, we will notify you incase the URL's you try to access are unsafe. This is provided once you enable Accessibility settings.
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