Victor Predictor APP
You make picks for your favorite team and if you choose well, you win points! And points make prizes!
Fav IPL Team & Players:
Your fav team can be selected once while signing up
You shall pick or change your 5 fav players every day
Pregame Picks:
Pregame picks open 3 days before the actual game
Play with our artificial intelligence picks with your cricket intelligence
Be the top fan on leaderboard by winning points from pregame picks
Live Game Picks:
Live game offers picks for every 5 overs during the live game
Follow your fav game and play your live game picks to be a top fan
Point streams:
Earn points every time your fav team wins
Earn points for your fav players performances
Earn points from your perfect pregame and live game picks
Recent Game Leaderboard:
Recent Game leaderboard shows your points and position for the recently closed game of your fav team
All Game Leaderboard:
All Game leaderboard shows your points and position for all the games of your fav team.