The next generation mobile solution in security, public safety, and operations.

Latest Version

Jul 21, 2023
Google Play ID

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The VICC Mobile Application is an extension to Cloudscann's Visual Intelligence Control Center (VICC) platform. The app allows operators to communicate sensitive information and alerts to field personnel on the fly. Multiple modules can be activated including:

• SEEitSENDit Enterprise
Field personnel can report incidents along with valuable event specific data in real-time back to operators
and supervisors. Upload images, take photos or video as well as pre-recorded video, comment and track

• GuardMe
Keep track of field personnel and easily dispatch responders to incidents with detailed location and event
information. Send routes and communicate over private radio talk groups and messaging channel.

• TrackMe
Give piece of mind to your user by keeping an eye on them as they travel through difficult or dangerous
locations. Easily send help in duress or panic situations.

• Live Video Broadcast
Adds the ability to stream live video, upload images and pre-recorded video, comment and track events.

The VICC mobile app is a crucial extension to any Command Center. With the power of Cloudscann's Visual Intelligence Control Center platform, VICC Mobile provides a complete, end-to-end, cloud-hosted solution for any enterprise environment.
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