• SEEitSENDit Enterprise
Field personnel can report incidents along with valuable event specific data in real-time back to operators
and supervisors. Upload images, take photos or video as well as pre-recorded video, comment and track
• GuardMe
Keep track of field personnel and easily dispatch responders to incidents with detailed location and event
information. Send routes and communicate over private radio talk groups and messaging channel.
• TrackMe
Give piece of mind to your user by keeping an eye on them as they travel through difficult or dangerous
locations. Easily send help in duress or panic situations.
• Live Video Broadcast
Adds the ability to stream live video, upload images and pre-recorded video, comment and track events.
The VICC mobile app is a crucial extension to any Command Center. With the power of Cloudscann's Visual Intelligence Control Center platform, VICC Mobile provides a complete, end-to-end, cloud-hosted solution for any enterprise environment.