Vibrate Mode / Silent Mode Swi APP
The ultimate 1 touch shortcut to switch your phone ringer mode if you don't have an alert slider!
1. Place the app on your home screen
2. Launch app and choose the default action to be carried out when app is opened (switch to Ring, Vibrate, Silent mode or Ask Every Time)
The next time you tap the app it'll automatically switch you to your preferred profile. If you're already on the preferred, or you selected 'Ask Every Time' it'll let you quickly switch ring mode (Ring/Vibrate/Silent).
You can change the app's default behavior when you launch the app whilst it's already in the preferred (default) Ring Mode.
Mute ringtone call and message notifications quickly when entering a meeting by tapping the app to switch to silent, or get vibration alerts only. It's quick and easy to use.
App requires Do Not Disturb permission to change to/from Silent mode.