NOTICE: This APP is exclusive for web applications which use Viafirma services.

Latest Version

Apr 17, 2023
Google Play ID

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Viafirma Mobile APP

NOTICE: It is not possible to use viafirma Mobile to sign documents or authenticate in web applications which don't use Viafirma paid services.

That mobile client allows using your previously installed digital certificates on your device, in order to perform secure authentication and advanced digital signature in web and mobile applications integrated with Viafirma Platform.

Currently, Viafirma can be used with digital certificates issued by many Certification Authorities registered in Spain and many other countries, such as FNMT, Firmaprofesional, Camerfirma, Izenpe, VeriSign, CatCert, ACCV, Avansi Ca.... For further information visit our website

We support digital signatures in the most relevant standards: XML Signature, PDF-Signature, PAdES (PDF Advanced Electronic Signatures), XAdES (XML Advanced Electronic Signature), CAdES, CMS / PKCS # 7, etc.

With Viafirma Mobile SDK, native mobile applications can include secure authentication and advanced electronic signature.
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