10 days weather forecast, accurate to hourly weather App.

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6 thg 1, 2017
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Weather Forecast APP

Weather Forecast data using the most authoritative source license information, is the Maximum number of days forecast , the most detailed data application in the Market, can forecast 10 days weather information, have real-time weather forecasts and weather warning information over 10000 cities worldwide .

This application provides you with the most complete weather forecast information: [feeling] temperature, outdoor temperature, time of sunrise and sunset times, wind speed, humidity, UV index, visibility, pressure, rainfall probability etc; No matter where you are, keep abreast of weather information.

With this app to view weather conditions has never been so easy and fun , fingertips can get the most accurate weather forecasts, you can also add a home screen Widget at any time to display the latest weather information .

This is a very cool and useful weather forecast APP, is detailed than the most of weather forecast application on the market , definitely worth your to download !

Main features:
- Superb screen design, full seasons change and the current weather conditions characteristic

- Depending on the weather the weather changing different backgrounds and have different animation effects, such as rain, snow, thunderstorms, etc.

- Detailed weather information , specific to the hourly forecast

- You can predict the weather up to 10 days to facilitate your travel

- Support future weather trend comparison chart , and more intuitive to show weather information

- Support for geolocation, retrieve the latest weather for your current location.

- Offline caching can view weather

- Animation sunrise and sunset times, and wind direction and barometric pressure

- Humidity detection, UV index and precipitation forecast

- Support to switch between Fahrenheit and Celsius

- Support for wind speed, time, pressure, visibility, date, etc. Unit switch

- Can be freely opened or closed status bar Weather

- The new home screen Widget tool, you can choose weather widget 4 * 1 or the weather widget 4 * 2

- You can add multiple locations to track weather information, just slide the screen to switch cities

- Share weather information to friends, through e-mail, Gmail, Facebook and Flickr.

- Pull down to refresh the weather
- Paddling up and down to display detailed weather information
- Paddling around to display your favorite places
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