Danh sách pm awas danh sách yojana 2021-22 Bast app

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16 thg 8, 2021
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pm awas yojana list 2021-22 APP

pm awas yojana list 2021-22

आप आवास योजना के लिस्ट में अपना नाम देख सकते हैं

Hello welcome friends
All of you are very welcome, with the help of this application in the application of
marda tech, you can see the result in the new list of housing scheme very easily, with this Application you can see the list of houses very easily. With this, you can see the list of Pension scheme very easily and you can see the land in your name from
Khasra khatauni and see the name in the list of ration card or in kisan samman yojana, you can see your name very easily and You can see your name in NREGA job card and friends, with the help of this application, you can avail the service etc |

एप्लीकेशन की मुख्य विशेषताएं-
आवास योजना की लिस्ट देखें।
प्रधानमंत्री शौचालय योजना की लिस्ट देखें
प्रधानमंत्री उज्जवला योजना की लिस्ट देखें
किसान सम्मान योजना की लिस्ट देखें
अपने नाम की जमीन देखें
ग्राम पंचायत रिपोर्ट देखें

Following states are involves in the list:
1. Andhra Pradesh pradhan mantra awas yojana list 2020-21
2. Arunachal Pradesh pradhan mantra awas yojana list 2021-22
3. Assam pradhan mantra awas yojana list 2020-21
4. Bihar pradhan mantra awas yojana list 2020
5. Goa pradhan mantra awas yojana list 2021-22
6. Gujarat pradhan mantra awas yojana list 2020
7. Haryana pradhan mantra awas yojana list 2020
8. Himachal Pradesh pradhan mantra awas yojana list 2020
9. Jammu & Kashmir pradhan mantra awas yojana list
10. Karnataka pradhan mantra awas yojana list 2020
11. Kerala pradhan mantra awas yojana list 2021-22
12. Madhya Pradesh pradhan mantra awas yojana list
13. Maharashtra pradhan mantra awas yojana list 2020-21
14. Manipur pmay list 2020
15. Meghalaya pmay list 2020
16. Mizoram pmay list 2021-22
17. Nagaland pmay list
18. Orissa pmay list 2021-22
19. Punjab pmay list 2020-21
20. Rajasthan pmay list
21. Sikkim pmay list
22. Tamil Nadu pmay list 2021-22
23. Tripura pmay list 2020-21
24. Uttar Pradesh pmay list
25. West Bengal pmay list 2020
26. Chhattisgarh pmay gramin list 2020
27. Uttarakhand pmay gramin list 2020
28. Jharkhand pmay gramin list 2020
29. Telangana pmay gramin list
30. Delhi Andaman & Nicobar pmay gramin list

Disclaimer :
-> We only provide information to readers and visitors that are available in following government public domains.

आवास योजना लिस्ट-शहरी - https://pmaymis.gov.in
ग्रामीण आवास लाभार्थी सुची - https://rhreporting.nic.in
भुलेख खसरा खतौनी - http://www.upbhulekh.gov.in
राशन कार्ड - https://fcs.up.gov.in
शौचालय योजना लिस्ट - http://sbm.gov.in
उज्ज्वला योजना लिस्ट - http://www.pmujjwalayojana.in
BPL लिस्ट (सभी राज्य) - https://www.nrega.nic.in
ग्राम पंचायत रिपोर्ट - https://nregade.nic.in
पेंशन सूची 2020 देखे- http://nsap.nic.in/
नरेगा जॉब कार्ड- https://nrega.nic.in
किसान सम्मान योजना की लिस्ट देखें - https://pmkisan.gov.in/

-> We are not any official partner of the Government or a linked with any way with government. We just show their website in our application as webview format.
-> We do not own any website available in app.
-> This application is very usefull for indian people to find the best digital servie in their state or city.
-> We do not affiliated with any government entity, services or person.....
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