Life APP
A Wi-Fi or mobile internet connection is required to use this app. Some features such as Podcast and Video may use a lot of data, so if you are accessing these away from a Wi-Fi connection, we suggest that you monitor your data usage through your mobile network provider.
- Latest news items
- Don't miss a thing with our Calendar Events with booking payments (and add events to your device's calendar)
- Listen to our latest Podcast audio sermons
- Follow the latest tweets and Facebook posts by our church and Senior Pastors
- Watch a feed of LIFE Church's latest video messages, promos and highlights
- Be inspired by our Senior Pastor's blog on life and leadership principals
- Forgot your purse or wallet? Giving and tithing is now made easy right through our app with only a few clicks. Give donations securely, setup recurring payments and view your giving history through our app
- Our Connect page gives you all of our church locations, service times, one click phone and email contact and even directions to any one of our venues from where you in your car
The LIFE Church App was created by WeKonnect Pty Ltd. Visit for more information.
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