Hecqo Now Partner APP
"Hecqo Now" works as a platform that connects the user with the nearest delivery partner and the nearest store.
Milk, groceries, medicines, fruits, veggies, meat & more; delivered super quick in easy clicks.
"Hecqo Now" partner app allows our delivery partner - Rider and the store - Retailer to login and track all orders in a neat user friendly form.
Features for the rider:
1) Request for registration
2) Receive orders, track orders, complete orders
3) View business received daily, weekly, monthly
4) View balance, withdraw balance
Features for the retailer:
1) Request for registration
2) Receive orders, track orders
3) View business received daily, weekly, monthly
4) View balance, withdraw balance
5) Book deliveries through “Hecqo Now” to customers
6) Place stock orders in bulk to get discounts