Patrik Lönell from Kalmar in Sweden became a pioneer in the sport of floorball in 2001 and internationally recognized as The Floorball Shooting Guru

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Floorball Academy APP

Patrik Lönell from Kalmar in Sweden became a pioneer in the sport of floorball in 2001 and internationally recognized as "The Floorball Shooting Guru". He then created a concept to teach the basicprinciples of the shooting technology in floorball. He named 38 different floorball shots and created Floorball Shooting Academy while he was a professional floorball player and coach in Switzerland.Since then he has been bookable as a Floorball Shooting Instructor for floorball clubs. He is a true expert in educational teaching by the shooting technology for all ages. Welcome to my world ofteaching you how to manage your floorball stick to become a top scorer :) Patrik Lönell from Kalmar in Sweden became a pioneer in the sport of floorball in 2001 and Internationally Recognized As' TheFloorball Shooting Guru ". He then created a concept to teach the basic principles of the shooting technology in floorball. He named 38 different floorball shots and created Floorball ShootingAcademy while he was a professional floorball player and coach in Switzerland. Since then HE HAS BEEN bookable as a Floorball Shooting Instructor floorball clubs. He is a true expert in educationalteaching by the shooting technology for all ages. Welcome to my world of teaching you how to Manage your floorball stick to Become a top scorer :)
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