Deest2 is an applictaion

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Cập nhật
29 thg 7, 2016
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App APKs

Deest2 APP

Deest2 is an applictaion,supplying users with complete,unified,and convenient Customer Experience ,suitable for a series of wearble products,such as GPSwatch for kids and elder,and pets gps tracker.In the future,contuniousely more and more gps tracker will be avainable on the APP.
1)Deest2 gps support:suprrottwo-way communictation
2)Deest2 gps support:location
3)Deest2 gps support:historical trace
4)Deest2 gps support:remote monitor
5)Deest2 gps support:SOS
6)Deest2 gps:support:Health record
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