Thanks to VFR Map you can:
- follow the position of your plane in real time on a "moving map" displaying the maps: VAC approach and landing, NAV (1: 1000000, SIA VFR) or even your own maps (in .mbtiles format) of the whole of France.
- see the relief which is on your trajectory with the altimetric profile calculated in real time.
- view basic flight parameters such as GS, Altitude MSL, Cap.
- consult the aeronautical documentation PDF VAC of your favorite aerodromes.
the application is autonomous and works even in offline mode and without network.
All in your pocket.
since version 3 a lot has changed ...
- version 3 now includes geo-referenced VACs :) as well as other SIA France 1 maps: 1,000,000 (North + South), VFR Rhône, ... all available in the "Map" view.
- since version 3.1.2 the application also supports the '.mbtiles' card format.
just copy your file to the "MBTILES_DIRECTORY" directory. then select your map from the list of layers.
"All the information consulted remains in cache available" offline "/ therefore in flight too."
(**) to benefit from the position of your plane on the map, the GPS must be activated.
Here is a quick overview of the features:
- Download of VAC cards.
- Display of VAC cards (requires a PDF reader application installed).
- Map with geo-referenced and offline VAC maps (*).
- Display of your plane (**) on the maps.
- Display of SIA France 1 maps: 1,000,000 (North + South), VFR Rhône, ...
- Compatible with your own cards in '.mbtiles' format.
- Real time altimetric profile with BD altimetric France.
- Dashboard.
last point: the application now displays advertising: 1 time per hour and not in flight.
this is to pay part of the hosting bill.
thank you for your attention.
Good flights to all.
Stéphane (Pilot at LFLG).