In the status bar or any position, to display a variety of variety information.

Latest Version

Sep 24, 2022

App APKs

Variety Status Viewer APP

In the status bar or any position, to display a variety of variety information, battery, clock, date, etc.
In addition to customizing the display position, size, color, etc., you can also specify the display timing (such as when a specific application is on top)

[Application example]
- When using a specific application, the current time is displayed small in one corner.
- Always display battery level in text or bar format.
- Automatically turn on night mode to reduce screen brightness at specified time.
- Automatically turns on blue light cut mode when reading app starts.

[About Ads]
Ads are only displayed on the app's settings screen. Advertising does not interfere with the display of various information such as time and battery level.
In addition, advertisements can be removed for in-app purchases.

[About in-app purchases]
All functions are available without charge, but the information that can be displayed on the screen is limited to only one type. This means that, for example, "time" and "battery level" cannot be displayed at the same time.
You can remove this restriction with in-app purchases.
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