Valmiki Ramayana APP
Ramayana is the story of Rama (Lord Vishnu's avatar), whose wife Sita is abducted by the demon king Ravana.
The entire book is made up of the following chapters:
Bala Kaṇḍa (Book of childhood)
Ayodhya Kaṇḍa (Book of Ayodhya)
Araṇya Kaṇḍa (Book of the forest)
Kishkindha Kaṇḍa (Book of the monkey kingdom)
Sundara Kaṇḍa (Book of beauty)
Yuddha Kaṇḍa (Book of war)
Uttara Kaṇḍa (Last book)
This simple app lists out all of the above chapters with the sloka's in Hindi/Sanskrit.
Jai SriRam