Valero CornNow APP
Features of the app include:
1. Check Valero’s current bids and receive market updates and alerts on premium bid programs
2. Make offers to sell corn
3. Monitor CBOT prices
4. Electronically sign corn contracts
5. 24/7 access to contract information and corn deliveries
To use the app you will need to follow these steps:
1. Grant access to mobile phone(s) by completing the “Valero Proof of Business Relationship Form for Contracts” (available from your local Valero Grains Buyer)
2. Email the completed form to your local Valero Grain Buyer
3. Install “Valero CornNow” from the Google Play Store
4. Select “Login” and enter your authorized mobile number with area code
5. Enter the code from the text message
6. Create new account by entering an email address and password
7. Enter the code from your email
8. Review and accept the Terms and Conditions
9. Please be sure to enable notifications to receive information from Valero about markets, bid programs, etc.
Questions? Contact your local Valero Grain Buyer directly or email if you are interested in becoming a corn supplier.
The Valero CornNow app is free, secure, and developed by the industry-leading Bushel platform.